Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another Adventure

 We recently returned from a short trip to San Francisco.  We were privileged to learn about the donnor party and why they got stuck in the snow.  In all honesty it was pretty bad.  I haven't ever driven in anything so terrifying.  It was horrible due to the large amount of snow fall mixed with high winds and extremely cold temperatures.  It was the worst white out I've ever driven in.  There were times that i could not even see the end of my car.  After a few hundred miles our chains gave up and decided to break, taking large amounts of paint with them.
 My Father in law called my wife and told her to admit that it was completely stupid to have gone on such a meaningless vacation.  That we risked our lives for nothing.   Me?  well I don't agree.  I Belive it was completely worth it.  We had some great times in San Francisco, seeing things we've never seen, growing closer in our relationships with one another.  I learned a lot about my brother in laws and feel that we have a better relationship because of it.  I also had a lot of wonderful time with my wonderful wife.  To me this is Life is all about.  The Experiences we have throughout life should be diverse.  The should consist not only of good times, but bad times as well.  Yes it was kinda crazy driving through the pass, but in reality i wouldn't change it.  Going through something bad, usually has a good outcome.  Well at least it has in my experience.

    Ps.  there is a major difference between being reckless vs taking risks.

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