Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Economy Recovery

Let's face it.  We as the American people have been slackers.  We have let our Government run wild.  Most of all we haven't been paying attention.  Today we have quite the mess on our hands.  When we ask who did this the Republicans point and the Democrats and The Democrats point at the Republicans.  It is really quite childish.  But let's face the Facts.  We have about 12 Trillion dollars of Debt, and a rising unemployment.  There is talk of hyperinflation, along with theories of double digit interest rates.   My theory is simple, the reason that we are in this mess is due to the lack of accountability that our Government has been issued.  For example.  When we passed the Bailouts, all of the money was borrowed by foreign investors.  Our government promised it would not raise our taxes or inflate our dollar because someone else picked up the bill.  But in reality we have to pay that back.  Why?.... It's called a loan.  I don't think the supposed "intellectuals" in the government understand the concept that when someone gives you money as a "loan" you are supposed to pay it back.    If you don't believe me on this subject ask anyone what our plan is to pay off the country's debt.... oh yeah we don't have one.  In fact on a good year the government receives 2.5 trillion  in taxes.  So if The government decided to put all of the tax money towards the debt, it would take 5 years or more depending on interest rates.  This we know cannot happen.  If we spent 500 billion a year towards our debt and refuse to take on more debt it will take us an estimated 40 years to pay it off.

I think the 40 year plan is the most reasonable.  Yes it sucks that we have to take care of our parents debt,  but hey i'd rather start taking it on then keep passing the buck.

So here's my plan.  First of all We need more accountability when it comes to government finance.  I believe there should be an open accountants view of the money and where it goes.  It would start off in a large book stating where all the major money went.  ie. 30 million to homeland security 40 million to Alaska so on and so on.  you then could look up Homeland securities finance book they started off with 40 million and they began to divvy it up to 10 for this department ect.  The books would go down to the smallest penny.   Now for the accountability.  If for some reason the money was "misplaces" or for some reason the office thought it necessary to have a 100,000 dollar toilet seat, the last person responsible for the money will be accountable to pay for the damages.

Ok now we need to cut some money,  This year the government borrowed as much as it made on taxes.  So obviously our country needs to be a little more efficient.  How about we start with Government workers.  I heard there was a study to determine how much the average government worker worked during the day.  The analysis came up with 45 mins.  I dunno about you but i think that means we have too many government workers.  Let's put a hiring freeze on government workers until they are working say 6,5 hours out of an 8 hour day.

This may be difficult due to the unions.  My favorite quote about unions.  "Unions make a good man bad, and a bad man worse."  I am all for safe environments and  being treated fairly, but Unions have way to much power, and way to much need to exercise that power.  I refuse to work with Unions and never plan on working with them in the future, unless they become more "sane"?

Oh great day we are almost done.  This is by far my favorite.  I truly am sick and tired of working my butt off to pay my own way, and look to the side and see a guy leeching off the government, and yet he has a higher standard of living.  This doesn't make much sense to me.  How come he can afford a BMW when he is on welfare.
     hahaha i'm excited to put this in writing.  First of all if you are a convicted felon.  You will not be able to get any government funding for 6 years after you've been released from prison, except if you are the sole caretaker of dependents.  You will be required to take a drug test every time you pick up a government check.  Yes you must pick it up.  (we will not mail it to you.)  If you fail the drug test you will not be allowed to get government funding for 1 year, unless you have dependents.  In the case of dependents money alloted to these people should be given in food stamps and paid rent for an approved rental level.

   I don't believe that if you live with your mom and have 0 dependents you should be able to get unemployment.  If you are in need of financial assistance,  you must turn in your vehicle, boat, toys ect to the government to be auctioned.  in return you will be given a government issued car.  You know bottom of the line.  (this is only if a car is necessary)

now for a radical view of mine.   I feel bad for the native Americans.  we really screwed them over.  first we took their land and then we gave them everything they could ever need.  I believe this ruined them.  If you have ever been to an Indian reservation you know what i'm talking about.  They are dumps.  We need to ween the native american people off this horrible entitlement program that is ruining them.    I say we pay 10 percent less every year for the next 20 years.  At this point they will be getting money, but it won't be enough to live off of.  Forcing them to work and again become an influential part of society.

Government assistance should be seen as a last resort.  I propose that once a quarter those who are receiving money from the government should be rejected.  They should be rejected by a family member, a friend, and their church.  they should have a signature from each of these resources which states why they wouldn't give them money.  In order to receive continued support from the government these forms need to be signed.

Well... i don't assume that this is the best plan or the most perfect.  I am simply stating that it is not crazy to have a plan.  It is possible to get out of debt and it is possible to run a country off of it's own revenue instead of borrowing more and more money.

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